Gym Mats Great For Skipping
I find that skipping everyday is a fantastic form of exercise. I only ever used to do it when I went boxing but then I bought myself a skipping rope and now I do it all the time. At first I just skipped outside on the concrete driveway but then I started to notice fatigue on my knees the constant jumping up and down was having an effect and I worried that I would have to stop an activity that I had really learnt to love.
Thats when I discovered that EVA jigsaw mats (also know as gym mats) are great for skipping. I have original bought the jigsaw mats for my kids to practice their jiu-jitsu but then upgraded to tatami mats. The spare EVA gym mats were just laying around so I through a couple outside to training on. I found instant relief the first time I skipped and haven’t looked back since. Now I would never sod skipping without my treasured EVA jigsaw mats.
So there you have it. Next time you are thinking about training and don’t want it to impact your joints call Southern Cross Mats. The EVA Mat Kings.
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