Things to Avoid to Maintain Gym’s Hygiene
When your are training it is important to me mindful of your Gym’s Hygiene. Post-sports sessions are always sweaty. When you train your students, you both will be soaked in sweat–not only yourselves but also your Gis and the MMA mats. Your jigsaw mats and gym floor could take a real beating from all the activities and training sessions that take place in your gym.
Think of your gym’s hygiene
This is why it is important to have a cleaning schedule that puts more effort in mopping, spot cleaning and buffing your facilities, especially during the hot weather. The following are simple techniques to help in maintaining a clean and fresh gym:
Stop bacteria from growing in your gym
If you are wondering why it is so important to let the gym equipment air out and wash your Gi after every practice. Well, the answer is simple, a warmer climate is a perfect condition for bacteria to grow. The more humid it is, the faster the bacteria will grow. This means that not only your students should do their part, but gym owners should also put the effort into cleaning tatami mats every training sessions. It is important to make sure that towels or any other items are washed and cleaned appropriately
Keep dirty feet away from your gym
Who does not love walking around on your flip-flops or running barefoot on the grass during the summer? Just like shoes are not allowed on MMA mats in the gym, dirty feet due to grass and dust should not be allowed either. Make a reminder to always wash feet before stepping on the mats prior to training sessions.
Maintain gym bag’s cleanliness
This is more like for one’s personal hygiene. If you ever dealt with sweaty gloves or gym shorts that have been left in a hot car after an exhausting MMA session, you would understand the importance of urging your students to allow their gym equipment to air out between training. There are numerous companies that make antibacterial wipes for martial artists that are excellent to keep it hygienic but also don’t scare your gym partners away with the smell. However, it is still important to have a reminder for the students to wash their Gis or their gym wear after class and not let it sit around in hot and humid places.
When your student leaves their dirty, sweaty gear in a gym bag in their trunk’s car all day, this will allow fungi and bacteria to spread in hot, damp conditions. The longer the moist stinky Gis stay, the more the fungi that produce a smelly odour and health problems that will spread. After a session, it is highly recommended for your students to just get home and wash their dirty martial arts gear as fast as possible.
This will assist in blocking your gear from getting a lasting reek that can easily make each you and your training mates uncomfortable–since no one would like to train with someone wearing foul-smelling gear and martial arts gear isn’t cost-effective to change. For this reason, it is always recommended to wash Gis immediately after use
You can try to follow all the tips suggested above to ensure your gym or facility is always in a hygienic condition. Of all aspects in your gym, your gym mats surely need to be taken care of properly. Mats are not solely utilized for protecting the floor but also to avoid one from sliding. If you need great quality gym mats and gym wall padding, turn to Southern Cross Mats. We are a premium supplier of gym training mats & interlocking jigsaw mats in Australia.
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